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Acid Stress

The body works very, very hard to control the amount of acid. Acid is measured and discussed in terms of pH. The ideal pH of the body has been scientifically determined to be 7.4. The body works very hard to maintain itself as close to that level as possible. All of clinical chemistry is based on this concept of pH and its ideal level. Acid is controlled by compounds that are alkaline. The process is called buffering.

Acid stress worsens just about everything. It promotes calcification; worsens inflammation; promotes oxidative stress; creates anaerobic metabolism; and destabilizes connective tissues. Every disease process increases the acid stress in the body, and increased acid stress promotes the emergence and continuity of disease. Infections and cancer both like an acid environment. Proteins denature and do not function well in an acid environment. Poor food choices can certainly promote acid stress. However, it is more often the presence of toxins in the system that creates ongoing acid day after day.

The body has 7 different mechanisms to help keep pH balanced. These are all reflected in blood chemistry. By analyzing the blood chemistry a physician can know which of the 7 buffering mechanisms are struggling and need support. Depending on the severity, interventions can occur.

Correcting acid stress is frequently done in relative silence. This means that you may not notice any obvious difference in symptoms or in your body. However, your chemistry is a very sensitive indicator of your success in controlling the tendency to become more acid. Said another way, uncorrected acid stress is the foundation of aging. Correcting and maintaining an ideal pH would then be the foundation of any anti-aging approach to wellness and health. Bottom line, every other health maintenance process is made better by monitoring and correcting acid stress.

Author: Dr. David Luce

W. David Luce, M.D., P.C. is a Board Certified Internist in private practice in Boulder, Colorado. He is recognized as a innovator and thought leader in the integration of Western medicine with complimentary therapies.

Dr. David Luce | MD

W. David Luce, M.D., P.C. is a Board Certified Internist in private practice in Colorado. He is recognized as a medical innovator, educator, public health advocate, and a leader in the integration of evidence-based Western medicine with complimentary therapies. Educated at Dartmouth, Harvard and Yale, Dr. Luce has over 20 years experience designing and implementing innovative treatment programs that restore health and wellness to his patients. He is a passionate proponent for the use of Western science, not only to prevent disease, but also ...

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“It doesn’t take long to know that Dr. David Luce is a compassionate, experienced, gifted man whose professional goal is to guide his patients to good health. It may only take that first office visit as it did for my husband and me over a decade ago…. each of us looking for a physical exam and answers to our health concerns.”

LC & BC, Boulder, CO

“Working with Dr. Luce has been remarkable for me and my family. What is different about his wellness program is how he processes the information available to him. It’s all about me.”

KG, Boulder, CO