• Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm and Friday 9:00am-12:00pm.
  • Our office does not accept insurance of any kind.

Your Wellness Program

Healthy people do all the things unhealthy people don’t want to do. The goal of our practice is to help you become (or stay) healthy and increase your quality of life. Our practice provides Western medical care, but with the added focus of helping you achieve your desired state of wellness. Medicine is what your doctor does for you. Wellness is what you do for yourself.

We first assess your individual level of wellness and define your goals. We then develop a personal, individualized wellness program based on laboratory testing and tailored to your needs. We help you execute this program, monitoring your progress along the way.

Our approach is based on a four-level continuum of health, which includes Wellness to Imbalance to Dysfunction to Disease. The goal is to stop any progression from “Wellness” toward “Disease”. Standard medical practices can be blind to the more subtle maladies of dysfunction and imbalance, despite the fact that correction in these areas can help to improve your quality of life.

Your wellness program is developed in partnership with your doctor, with each of you having different but overlapping responsibilities. Together you will determine your goals. Your physician will recommend tests capable of diagnosing imbalances and dysfunctions along with disease. Some of the tests are covered by most insurance policies, but others are out-of-pocket expenses to you. However, you are never forced to do any testing that does not fit for you. It is all about getting information, analyzing it, and then acting on that information. After analysis, you and your physician will develop a course of treatment designed to treat a disease and/or to correct imbalances or dysfunctions.

The tests can, depending on what makes sense for you to do, allow your doctor to:

Diagnose dysfunctions that may exist in your physiology by measuring imbalances in hormones, digestion, acid stress, inflammation, calcium metabolism, oxidative stress, connective tissue strength, and protein metabolism;

  • Pinpoint specific deficiencies in amino acids, fatty acids, trace elements, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants;
  • Reveal the presence of common toxins within the body, including petrochemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, and organic solvents.

After the testing, analysis, and development of a wellness program, it is your responsibility to follow the program. This includes monitoring the results by checking in periodically with your physician for less extensive, but important, follow-up testing. Monitoring is important to test the efficacy of the program and to ensure the absence of side effects.

It cannot be overemphasized that your role is critical. Your wellness return will be proportional to your effort and discipline. For many people, following the protocols is a lifestyle change.

Author: Dr. David Luce

W. David Luce, M.D., P.C. is a Board Certified Internist in private practice in Boulder, Colorado. He is recognized as a innovator and thought leader in the integration of Western medicine with complimentary therapies.

Dr. David Luce | MD

W. David Luce, M.D., P.C. is a Board Certified Internist in private practice in Colorado. He is recognized as a medical innovator, educator, public health advocate, and a leader in the integration of evidence-based Western medicine with complimentary therapies. Educated at Dartmouth, Harvard and Yale, Dr. Luce has over 20 years experience designing and implementing innovative treatment programs that restore health and wellness to his patients. He is a passionate proponent for the use of Western science, not only to prevent disease, but also ...

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What Our Clients Are Saying

“Dr. Luce’s comprehensive approach and attention to my health matters resulted in complete healing. He is my Health Detective.”

JC, Boulder, CO

“It doesn’t take long to know that Dr. David Luce is a compassionate, experienced, gifted man whose professional goal is to guide his patients to good health. It may only take that first office visit as it did for my husband and me over a decade ago…. each of us looking for a physical exam and answers to our health concerns.”

LC & BC, Boulder, CO

“Working with Dr. Luce has been remarkable for me and my family. What is different about his wellness program is how he processes the information available to him. It’s all about me.”

KG, Boulder, CO