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Anaerobic Stress

The body prefers to make energy using oxygen. This is called Aerobic Metabolism. It is the most efficient method of creating energy from foods. You get a much higher return (you make MORE high energy phosphate bonds, ATP) when things are done aerobically. However, the body has the capacity to make energy without oxygen. This is called Anaerobic Metabolism. It is much less efficient. Put it this way, anaerobic metabolism is in the neighborhood of 5-6 times less efficient than aerobic metabolism. Would you rather make $35 or $5 on an investment? It is a ‘no brainer’ for the body.

However, there are times when the body has trouble being totally aerobic, and there are blood parameters that can reflect this. There are diseases that like things to be more anaerobic, cancer for instance. All infectious diseases like relatively more anaerobic conditions as the body cannot defend itself as well. There are also certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies that promote anaerobic conditions. All of these can be measured, followed, and frequently corrected.

Anaerobic conditions are promoted by acidosis, inflammation, and oxidative stress. Thus, if blood parameters suggest that there is a struggle with being aerobic, one can influence this situation by correcting acid stress, balancing the inflammatory process, and reducing toxicity and oxidative stress. Your success and progress will then be reflected in subsequent blood chemistries, and your treatment/maintenance plan will change accordingly.

You learn how to be more in control of your own health. You learn the best maintenance program for you as an individual. You can follow your personal state of balance for the rest of your life!

Author: Dr. David Luce

W. David Luce, M.D., P.C. is a Board Certified Internist in private practice in Boulder, Colorado. He is recognized as a innovator and thought leader in the integration of Western medicine with complimentary therapies.

Dr. David Luce | MD

W. David Luce, M.D., P.C. is a Board Certified Internist in private practice in Colorado. He is recognized as a medical innovator, educator, public health advocate, and a leader in the integration of evidence-based Western medicine with complimentary therapies. Educated at Dartmouth, Harvard and Yale, Dr. Luce has over 20 years experience designing and implementing innovative treatment programs that restore health and wellness to his patients. He is a passionate proponent for the use of Western science, not only to prevent disease, but also ...

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